Augmented Reality In Corporate Training


Augmented Reality (AR) provides a more immersive and engaging experience for corporate training, compared to traditional methods. AR allows for hands-on learning and increases employee engagement, leading to better retention.

Why should companies use Augmented Reality (AR) for Corporate Training?

Augmented Reality (AR) provides a more immersive and engaging experience for corporate training, compared to traditional methods. AR allows for hands-on learning and increases employee engagement, leading to better retention of information and improved skills. It can also enhance collaboration among team members and save time and resources compared to traditional training methods. Utilizing AR in corporate training can drive innovation and improvement in employee training programs.

What advantages does using Augmented Reality in Corporate Training give employees?

AR provides a more engaging and immersive learning experience, allowing employees to visualize and interact with training content in a way that is more interactive and memorable. Secondly, AR allows for hands-on training, enabling employees to practice and apply their skills in a safe and controlled environment. This can lead to better retention of information and improved performance. Additionally, AR can increase employee engagement and motivation, as they are able to participate in a more interactive and dynamic training process. Finally, using AR in corporate training can enhance collaboration among team members and help to foster a culture of continuous learning and development within the organization.

What advantages does using Augmented Reality in Corporate Training give employees?

AR provides a more engaging and immersive learning experience, allowing employees to visualize and interact with training content in a way that is more interactive and memorable. Secondly, AR allows for hands-on training, enabling employees to practice and apply their skills in a safe and controlled environment. This can lead to better retention of information and improved performance. Additionally, AR can increase employee engagement and motivation, as they are able to participate in a more interactive and dynamic training process. Finally, using AR in corporate training can enhance collaboration among team members and help to foster a culture of continuous learning and development within the organization.

What impact will Augmented Reality (AR) have on Corporate Training?

AR allows for hands-on training, increasing employee engagement and motivation, and enhancing collaboration among team members. Utilizing AR in corporate training can also save time and resources compared to traditional training methods, and drive innovation and improvement in employee training programs. In summary, the use of AR in corporate training will provide a transformative and valuable experience for employees, leading to better performance and a culture of continuous learning and development.

Drive Foot Traffic with Augmented Reality Murals

Branded Immersive Experiences

How It Works

AR allows for hands-on training, increasing employee engagement and motivation, and enhancing collaboration among team members. Utilizing AR in corporate training can also save time and resources compared to traditional training methods, and drive innovation and improvement in employee training programs.



A Creative Director will work with you on vision & visual targets, short-term and long-term goals.



Working with our internal partners, we start to plan out how the experience will work with the technology and platforms’ requirements.



This stage is all about making sure the experience meets the Goals & KPIs and is working as intended without any breaking issues. Internal testing is done during this phase.



This stage is all about getting the client’s final approval of the experience. Client provides confirmation they are happy with the final output and ready to proceed.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does the discovery phase look like?

    Sales and Marketing will create a lane of communication with you. They will learn about them and how we can best serve your company and brand.

    Our Creative Director will work with the client on vision & visual targets. In this phase, we'll get to know your short term and long term goals

  • What does the design phase look like?

    Working with our internal partners, we start to plan out how the experience will work with the technology and platforms’ requirements.

    - A clear understanding will determine the pipeline for development.

  • What does the production and development phase look like?

    At this stage, the art & dev team is heads down, creating the 3D models and content vision of the experience and keeping with weekly milestones and check-ins with clients during critical stages of creation so that the art approval can happen as quickly as possible at the end of the phase.

    Once the creation of art is complete, the internal dev team can now begin the experience. This stage is where the actual product of the experience happens. They will reference the KPIs established during the beginning stages of communications.

  • What are the Different Types of Augmented Reality Experiences?

    Augmented reality experiences can be placed in your physical world using few different techniques.

    1. Image Tracking: AR Murals & AR Artwork
    2. World Tracking: Environment Effects, Place-Down Effects
    3. Face-Tracking: Face Filters
    4. Body Tracking: Virtual try-ons, digital fashion
    5. Hand + Foot Tracking: Virtual try-ons (IE jewelry, sneakers and footwear)
    6. Web-Embed: Try before you buy, product demonstrations
  • Where Can Augmented Reality Experiences be Hosted?

    AR experiences can be launched and hosted across a number of AR-Enabled mobile apps and web browsers.

    • White Label AR App: Electrifly, City Unseen
    • Social AR Apps: Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok
    • Web-Based AR: Mobile Browsers (Safari, Chrome)
    • The BrandXR Studio
    • Your Custom AR App created by BrandXR

  • What Makes A Good Image Tracker for Augmented Reality?

    A tracker can be as large or small as you want it to be, as long as the phone camera can focus on the object that’s being tracked. Typically, a great tracker image will have high contrast and well defined lines. Clothing, Accessories, Murals

  • What Types of Media Can be Displayed in an AR Experience?

    Photos, Videos, Audio, Logos. 2D Animation, 3D Animation. Outlinks & Calls to Actions. Interactive UI Elements, Buttons & More. Production Level Special FX. 

  • What different types of artwork can be augmented?

    Any artwork that has a strong image tracker can be brought to life in augmented reality.

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